As we complete our series on spiritual warfare, we will add the final piece to our nursing uniform. I hesitate to call this piece an accessory, for it alludes to something that is complimentary and can be left behind. Instead, I would say it is like our underwear (not to get too personal) something we need to wear every day. This necessary undergarment is prayer. “Prayer is the stitching that connects each piece of the armor. Prayer solidifies our righteousness found in truth, secures our salvation that rests in faith and equips us with peace and strength through the Holy Spirit” (Dameron, Stand Firm with Prayer, JCN article).

Prayer is not only required for spiritual warfare and faith, prayer is also essential for nursing. Through prayer we bathe our self, our nursing practice, and our workplace with grace and truth found in scripture.

In the coming months, we will discover 11 ways to bring prayer into nursing. Using the acrostic PRAYERWORKS as a guide, each devotion will build prayer into our nursing care. The hope is that instead of only looking for ways to pray with patients, we will find infuse our life and work with the pulsating presence of Christ through prayer.

“Failure has resulted from a lack of trust and a weakness of faith—and both caused by a neglect of prayer” (EM Bounds, The Necessity of Prayer).

EMbounds prayer

p.s. To get a sneak peak into PRAYERWORKS, check out

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